Friday, August 27, 2010

Battlecam Gets A Facelift

     You've probably seen the new design on Battlecam today and I think it looks pretty good. It makes the site look a bit more modern and the colors look great, but one thing needs to be changed, The Chat Window is smaller than ever. I thought the previous chat window was small but the new one is just plain tiny. You can only see what 9 to 10 people are saying at a time, which is not nearly enough space for a room full of people. What do you guys think of the new design?


Anonymous said...

I want the timer back!

Anonymous said...

I like the new design. I have to agree though, the chat is small as fuck. and what happen to the prize claim button? Did Alki fuck the users over on prizes. Which brings me to another thing I noticed, the TIMER IS GONE! Didnt we get points with the timer? Well I guess that dont matter now since there no button for to claim the Shirts and XBOX anymore. Another screw job by Alki

Anonymous said...

It looks a bit to busy for my taste, and I agree that the chat needs to be bigger.

Anonymous said...

another vote for too busy of a design. get rid of the giant text "chat room" and "featured cam" we are not complete morons. also make chat box BIGGER, and increase the font 1 size like the old version and remove the annoying feather.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I like the new design, but I think the chat is too small. Very hard on the eyes.

Anonymous said...

The server still lags, chat is so small, and come on use meebo for private chat.